C# Basics for Beginners

Bùi Hồng Ngọc
Hồng Ngọc
Last Update November 5, 2020
0 already enrolled

Course Prerequisites

About This Course

Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you’ll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or you can change job and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy. Every section comes with a few bite-sized video lectures and a quiz or programming exercises.

These exercises are carefully chosen from academic and real-world examples to train your “programming brain”. If you want to be a successful programmer, who has many high-paid job offers and freedom to “choose”, you need to learn how to think like a programmer. And this is what you’re going to get out of these exercises. All exercises come with solutions, so you can compare your solutions with Mosh’s to find areas.

Learning Objectives

Strong foundation on the basics of C# programming language and coding constructs.
More confident to learn advanced C# programming concepts.
Be ready to begin your career as a C# .NET programmer

Material Includes

  • Videos
  • Booklets


  • Visual Studio Community Edition

Target Audience

  • Newbies or students looking for a refresher on the basics of C# and .NET


1 Lesson21h 30m

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Final topic

Your Instructors

Hồng Ngọc

English Teacher

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